Fans of vegetable and fruit smoothies can rejoice, as a properly prepared drink helps you lose weight. Diet weight loss smoothies are freshly made cocktails with plant-based ingredients with the addition of dairy products. These drinks are very satisfying and work as an alternative to bread during a snack. In addition, fruits and vegetables used for cooking have a cleansing effect on the intestines - this has a positive effect on the absorption of carbohydrates (they do not accumulate in body fat).
Making a smoothie is possible and essential at home, as the benefit of the drink lies in its use in the freshly prepared form. Losing weight with vegetable and fruit smoothies is not only healthy, effective, but also delicious. The following are simple drink recipes.
What are the benefits of smoothies
As mentioned above, a smoothie is a thick cocktail, in which vegetables, fruits and dairy products (natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese) are used.
The drink is recommended to drink in the morning - this helps to start digestion, as a result of which the body processes carbohydrates optimally throughout the day, preventing their deposition in the layers of fat.
Among other things, smoothies have the following positive effects:
- The cocktail is recommended to be used in case of heaviness in the abdomen or constipation - it provides mild relief without irritating the intestinal wall.
- Smoothies are low-calorie, but at the same time they can replace a full breakfast, lunch or dinner - this is beneficial and convenient for those who dream of losing weight.
- Such drinks regulate the water-salt balance of the body and saturate with vitamins and useful microelements - this gradually leads to the absence of a constant feeling of hunger. The same factor establishes the mandatory use of a drink after training - it's better than consuming a lot of liquid.
- Smoothies, thanks to the products included in the composition, help not only to clean the intestines, but also to remove excess cholesterol from the blood, which will positively affect the walls of blood vessels.
It is okay to drink cocktails on an empty stomach - this is how useful vitamins and microelements enter the human blood more quickly, starting processes to improve metabolism and blood circulation. This also promotes quick bowel cleansing.
smoothie diet
Many overweight girls resort to the most extraordinary methods. The basis is often the use of smoothies. But for weight loss, these cocktails are used a little differently.
There are the following main recommendations:
- The drink is drunk in small sips, preferably with a straw. You can also use a teaspoon - so the feeling of fullness arrives faster.
- If you opt for a diet with lots of smoothies, you should only drink smoothies for the first three days - this way you can cleanse your bowels and significantly speed up your metabolism.
- You can use smoothies as a meal replacement - this will significantly reduce your total daily calorie intake.
- In smoothies, it is recommended to spend a day of fasting once a week - up to 4-5 glasses of cocktail are consumed during the day.
- To lose weight, cocktails should be prepared with low-calorie foods, low-sugar vegetables and fruits.
- If you use fat-burning foods, it can significantly accelerate weight gain.
Fruit or vegetable smoothies aren't such an important factor - there are recipes that include both vegetable representatives. The main thing is correct use, in accordance with the given recommendations. Then the diet will give a quick result.

Smoothies have contraindications for use. Of course, problems and complications will not occur in a glass, but using the presented smoothie method for weight loss and long-term use is strictly prohibited.
The main contraindications include:
- the presence of an allergic reaction to the ingredients used - you can turn to recipes suitable for your own health;
- chronic diseases in the acute phase;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
- kidney and liver disorders.
If you decide to use smoothies for a diet, consult your doctor first and have a thorough examination to identify diseases that prohibit the use of a cocktail in large quantities.
Smoothie recipes for weight loss
As a rule, cocktails are prepared in a blender - it is important to grind the products used to a puree consistency. The composition may include the most unexpected products, but their benefits have an invaluable effect on the body. It is important to consider some slimming blender smoothie recipes.
healthy option
There is a very healthy cocktail recipe that is often used for weight loss - an oatmeal drink. The lumps can first be poured with boiling water and allowed to swell for several minutes. If you wish, you can use raw oatmeal - this contributes to better cleaning of the intestines (acts as an unusual exfoliation for the intestinal walls).
The preparation of such a cocktail takes place in the following options:
- Throw 2 tbsp into a blender. I. cooked or dried oatmeal, half a banana and 100 g of plain, fat-free yogurt. All the ingredients are mixed well with a blender, and if a thick mass is obtained, milk or kefir is added. You can add fruit to your smoothie if you like.
- Blend a spoonful of cereal, ¼ of a banana, 4 medium strawberries and half a glass of kefir in a blender. The finished cocktail is sprinkled with chopped nuts - in combination with kefir and berries, this is an excellent laxative effect.
If the diet of using smoothies is tolerated hungry, then the presented options should be preferred - they can be consumed during the day for a long time, and weight loss will be effective.
vegetable recipes
The most effective is the use of vegetable drinks, which contribute to the rapid cleaning of the intestine, starting metabolism and accelerating metabolism. It is only important to know how to make vegetable smoothies for weight loss, and the effect will not be long in coming.
To prepare vegetable cocktails, you can turn to the following recipes:
- Asparagus and celery. Celery shakes help you lose weight, while using asparagus is a satisfying drink – asparagus is rich in protein and carbohydrates. To prepare a vegetable smoothie, you will need to combine 100 g of Chinese cabbage, chopped celery and water. Mix the ingredients and gradually add half the avocado and 4 asparagus pods. When the mixture is homogeneous, the drink can be consumed. If it thickens, add a little more water and mix well.
- Spinach and bananas. In a blender, mix 3 spinach leaves and half a banana. You can add a small handful of any green salad and a little mint to the drink. The preparation of such a smoothie takes only 3-4 minutes, and the result is more than rich and tasty.
- Broccoli. Boil the vegetable in advance and let it cool. To prepare a glass of cocktail, you only need 150 g of cooled cabbage, a bunch of greens to taste and a glass of kefir. For flavor, add some fragrant herb and roll again in a blender.
- Tomatoes and cucumbers. The usual vegetable salad can be even more nutritious. To make a smoothie, mix together a tomato, cucumber, greens, celery, onion and a few cloves of garlic. Herbs can be added for flavor and fragrance. As soon as all the ingredients are mixed, a glass of kefir is sent to the blender.
Making vegetable smoothies does not prohibit using vegetables according to your taste preferences. Some recipes surprise you with the combination of products, but if you like it, good appetite!
fruit recipes
Making fruit smoothies is easier and the result is much tastier. Here you can combine fruits and dairy products that are most consumed in the absence of a diet. Of the most interesting recipes should be highlighted:
- Apple and milk. An apple is pre-cooked in the oven, the milk is heated at this time. The pit is removed from the cooked fruit, the pulp is sent to the bowl. An apple and a glass of warm milk are mixed in a blender. If you use yogurt, you get a traditional cold cocktail. A small amount of cinnamon is also used in cooking - it helps speed up metabolism.
- Grapefruit. Grapefruit is one of the best fat burning foods as it is often used in the preparation of slimming cocktails. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, mix half a grapefruit and half an orange in a blender. A glass of kefir is added to the resulting mixture.
- Kiwi. To make a kiwi smoothie in the amount of 2 pieces, you will also need an apple, half a grapefruit and a quarter of a banana. All ingredients are mixed in a blender. When mixing, add a cup of green tea, a teaspoon of grated ginger and the same amount of honey.
Making smoothies is easy. Here, only products that promote weight loss are mixed and flavoring seasonings are added to the resulting mixture - cinnamon, honey, ground pepper and other fragrances. During cooking, you should be guided by your taste preferences, as well as experimenting with a combination of products. In the absence of such an opportunity or desire, you can use ready-made recipes. Smoothies for a diet - tasty and effective. Girls can boast of plumb lines for a week on a 3-5 kg diet. You should not resort to such diets for a long time - this is fraught with the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- First evaluation, female, 27 years old: "I was on a diet once, I don't know what it was called, but there they only drank water, unsweetened teas and smoothies, that's when I started taking them. I haven't been on a diet for 7 months , I still drink smoothies, I really enjoyed it. Firstly, it's useful, secondly, it perfectly measures a snack and stops the sweet tooth craving, great to replace breakfast. Big deal! "
- The second review, a 25-year-old woman: "I've often seen recipes for weight loss smoothies, but I didn't like their composition. I don't like celery, which is stuffed into almost all weight loss smoothies, in principle, like ginger. I taught myself to drink fruit smoothies - strawberry, kiwi, banana, apple, orange, an excellent cocktail of vitamins, which also helps to lose weight perfectly! "
- The third review, a woman, 28 years old: "Mom taught me to drink smoothies, thanks to her for that! After all, for a whole year I have a lot of vitamins, natural and I don't need to buy vitamin tablets that I used to drink constantly. married, and taught my husband to drink according to snacks morning and night, and satiates hunger, and gives strength, and doesn't add extra pounds. Now I'm trying to get used to drinking smoothies with cereal, but so far it's not working, I'm used to drinking fruit-only smoothies.